In Massachusetts, all property owners can be held responsible for failing to remove snow and ice from their property. As to rental property, landlords have a primary obligation for snow removal. The State Sanitary Code provides that the owner shall maintain all means of egress at all times in a safe, operable condition and keep exterior stairways free of snow and ice. A landlord cannot avoid this by lease. A landlord may require a tenant to be responsible for snow removal in a lease only where the property has an independent means of egress under the tenant’s exclusive use or control not shared with other tenants or occupants. The landlord is still ultimately liable for someone hurt on the property due to dangerous snow or ice even if the landlord has a lease holding a tenant responsible for snow removal. See 105 CMR 410.000: MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION (STATE SANITARY CODE, CHAPTER II).
• 非常感謝檸檬大師花時間給出的清楚回複!看來這事真是麻煩,似乎我們這情況不能要求租客除雪,有什麽解決辦法嗎?可不可以用我們雇租客除 -jiuyuer- ♀ (77 bytes) () 05/19/2021 postreply 07:11:19
• 和鄰居商量一下,給鄰居點錢讓他們去請人也好自己除也好。最好不要雇房客。 -檸檬椰子汁- ♂ (128 bytes) () 05/19/2021 postreply 07:32:41
• 謝謝檸檬大師的建議。好的,我們和鄰居商量,最好讓鄰居代做,給他們點錢,因為這個本來就是兩家共用一條樓梯,共用一個車庫,都是公共地 -jiuyuer- ♀ (0 bytes) () 05/19/2021 postreply 11:02:58