Thank you. Yes, I have raised the issues.

來源: 遍野無塵 2020-10-23 07:40:26 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (515 bytes)
回答: appeal court檸檬椰子汁2020-10-22 12:23:07

The issues with original legal base may not be strong enough. I do find a strong case law as the base, but not cited in trial court. 

The appeal court allows additional authorities, but I am not sure how the appeal court will use (not use) the new case law for the issue.  Based on the new authority, the trial court is wrong (conflit with the new case law), but since I did not cite it, trial court had little err then.

Thank you very much.


motion to reconsider -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 檸檬椰子汁 的博客首頁 (230 bytes) () 10/23/2020 postreply 10:07:36

Thank you. reconsider does not allow new authority unless speci -遍野無塵- 給 遍野無塵 發送悄悄話 遍野無塵 的博客首頁 (542 bytes) () 10/23/2020 postreply 10:37:35
