俺告訴你吧, 以2018為例

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回答: 請問個人自雇如何繳social security tax?freewaltz2020-01-01 19:01:08

Assuming you have a simple business, such as rental income, Uber driver income, and etc.

1. File F1040 and all others that you usually should file, plus

2. File Schedule C - Profit or Loss From Business (assuming you have profits)

3. File Schedule SE - Self-Employment Tax (In general, if you owe $1000 or more tax on F1040, be sure to pay estimated tax each quoter to avoid penality. You can do this online.)

4. File Schedule 1-5, whichever are required. Then refine Form 1040.

* The amount on 3 (Self-Employment Tax) will be counted towards your social security benifit/Medicare. I would suggest you use a tax software to make life easier.




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