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As far as I know, you should determine your tax status(resident alian or non-resident alian) according to Publication 519 (You can get it from the website of IRS). Then you should see if there is any treaty that indicates your income is exempted. Generally, you can not claim any treaty benefit if you are a resident alian on tax purpose. But even if you are a non-resident alian, I can not come up with any treaty between China and US that shows any exemption for H1 (Income of J1 can be exempted for federal tax, the first 5,000 of F1 is also exempted for federal tax.) I believe that some H1 was exempted from federal tax,as said by dan712, but I think the officer made the mistake because they are not familiar with the alian-taxation. If you are patient enough, read publication 519 very carefully, you will find many useful information on it.

Good luck
