
本帖於 2019-12-04 07:10:12 時間, 由版主 檸檬椰子汁 編輯

A. Information about daycare insurance


B.  受傷賠償的數目,包括medical expense, lost income and pain and suffering 

(1) medical expense, is the actual cost you and your insurance paid to the doctors.  If your health insurance paid for majority of the cost, you can direct the daycare insurance to pay that portion directly to your health insurance. 

(2) lost income, 你這幾天最好請假照顧孩子,要對方賠償工資。

(3) pain and suffering. for flesh wound, pain and suffering is 3-5 times medical expenses.  In your case you can start with 5 times and negotiate from there. 

C. Example

Let's say your emergency room cost and follow up medical expense ends up to be $5000.  Let's say you ended up with deducitble and copay of $1000. 

Your total compensation would be:

$4000 to your health insurance company, and $1000 to you as medical expense. 
lost income = # of days missing work x daily salary 
pain and suffering between $5000* 3 ($15000) to $5000*5 ($25,000)



