
本文內容已被 [ 水中撈月 ] 在 2018-07-27 06:20:19 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

A Major Victory for the Right to Record Police

Federal appeals courts covering half of U.S. states have now ruled that Americans have a First Amendment right to videotape encounters with law enforcement.

The judges’ decision solidifies a growing consensus among the federal appeals courts on this nascent issue. The First, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits have also issued similar rulings, starting in 2011, to protect bystanders who record police actions.

其中法官Thomas Ambro的話:
“We ask much of our police. They can be our shelter from the storm,Yet officers are public officials carrying out public functions, and the First Amendment requires them to bear bystanders recording their actions. This is vital to promote the access that fosters free discussion of governmental actions, especially when that discussion benefits not only citizens but the officers themselves.”



