(1) I withhold the $11K is after the lien of $11K was put on my house and the general contractor understand it (the last payment I should pay him is $22K according to our contractor, but he asked only $11K).
(2) I have no disagreement with the general contractor, he acknowledged that I paid him full.
(3) The general contractor told me repeatedly that he pay the subcontractor in full, and showed me 4 checks paid to the subcontractor totalling $20K, but the subcontractor told me he is only paid $10K for the project in my property, two of the 4 checks are for projects in other properties. They were friends for many years, and the substractor did AV work for the general contractor for like 5 years. I have no knowledge whatsoever about the contractors or payments between them, so I am not in a position to judge who is right or who is wrong.
(4) I was involved only because I am the home owner, and seems like the subcontractor does have a right to put a lien on my house (I am in California). Even the subcontractor himself said sorry to me that he had to get me involved.
(5) I was trying to broke a deal betweem them, even agreeing to contribute one thousand and five hundred dollar my own money to help close the matter, and the general contractor also agree to pay $8000, but the subcontractor refused, because he think he is not paid in full in other projects.
(6) My main concern is not really whether or not I can use the $11K to pay my lawyer. My main purpose is to close the matter ASAP. I am trying to look for other real estate opportunities, but the lien seems to damage my credit and make it harder for me to get loan in good rate, and it has been going on for more than half a year now, and seems like will continute to go on for at least another year.
(7) My main question is whether I should find a lawyer now and what kind of lawyer I should find.
Thank you so much!