
(這是Social security agency?網站的說明,請參考)

You must complete an Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5). To get an application:

Go to www.socialsecurity.gov/online/ss-5.html on the Internet; or
Call 1-800-772-1213; or
Visit a local Social Security office.
To get a Social Security card, you must provide original documents that show your age, identity and citizenship or lawful noncitizen status. We verify birth documents for U.S. citizens age 1 and older with the office that issued the documents. We verify Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents for all noncitizens with DHS. You will get your number and card as soon as we have all of your information and your documents are verified.


The third type of card shows your name and number and notes, “NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT.” We issue it to people:

From other countries lawfully admitted to the United States without work authorization from DHS, but with a valid nonwork reason for needing a Social Security number; and

Who need a number because of a federal law requiring a Social Security number to get a benefit or service
