不是,原因是公序良俗(public policy)

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1.  如果律師成為客戶的被告但是不能用客戶的信息自我辯護,那麽沒有人要去做律師了。這樣就限製了社會的法律服務。所以這是一個公共政策的理由,中文裏麵叫做為了公序良俗(公共秩序和善良民俗)。

Wikiepedia:  Lawyers may disclose confidential information relating to the retainer where they are reasonably seeking to collect payment for services rendered. This is justified on policy grounds. If lawyers were unable to disclose such information, many would undertake legal work only where payment is made in advance. This would arguably adversely affect the public's access to justice.

2.  Public Policy翻譯為公序良俗的根據


