回複:us mattress

來源: usabc2991 2003-12-08 14:02:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (642 bytes)
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Assuming this just happend, starting from now, keep very good notes!! Write down who you speak to and what is said. Now, check all documentation about return policy, etc., if you feel the law is on your side and the store refuses to cooperate, write a detailed letter to your states's Attoney General, they'll help you. Trust me, I've done this and they help me make a car dealship cancel extended warranty I didn't want and refund my money. They won't sue on your behave (impossible because of limited resources), but will tell the store what the law is, the store might now listen to you, but they'll listen to the Attoney General for sure.


回複:回複:us mattress -e-2004- 給 e-2004 發送悄悄話 (31 bytes) () 12/09/2003 postreply 05:32:00



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