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回答: 謝謝好心人!Alice'smom2016-08-06 22:01:22


第二,(topic sentence)每一個段落要以一個論點開頭,以事實支持。你可以先把類似事實房子一個段落裏麵,最後修改的時候發現什麽論點最合適,但是最後手稿一定是論點開頭,不要讓別人去找你的目的是什麽。


1.  We have a contract, what is in the contract.

(a) contract specifies price is XXX (b) contract specifies YYY should be done. 

2.  She breached contract

(a) The contract specified price is XXX, but she breached contract by charging us \XXX+ZZZ 

Her excuse was the market price for the material has gone up.  But that's what contract is for, to set a price regardless what the market price for material is.   In a restaurant menu they would say $20 for trout, and $market price for salmon, and customer knows trout is fixed price while salmon's price is not fixed.  If She wanted market price for material, she'd better put that in the contract.  She put a fixed price in the contract, and I expect her to provide service regardless what the market price is.  A contract is a promise. 

(b) despite contract specified YYY she did not ....  proof is provided by image, expert opinion, and etc.

3.  We want specific performance to finish the project per contract, OR

4.  We want damages in the amount of $$$.




謝謝你的建議。 -Alice'smom- 給 Alice'smom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2016 postreply 08:04:44
