Divorce, property question

I married my wife in china, just like many of you who bring a girl from china. I recently found out that she cheated me while she is taking vacation in china, she slept with a man(she has been known him for a while, a married man). She said sorry and want me to forgive her, but after 6 month, i still keep thinking about that. Whenever we argue about some thing, I couldn't be as patient as before. Divorcing kept coming into my mind. I feel like I ate a fly whenever I think about the affair.
I think I might choose divorce sooner or later. I am currently supporting her for graduate school, I bought a house, giving her the best I could do.
I don't have too much money left in bank besides the house. The question is, could she get half of the worth of the house if we divorced? I bought the house before she came to US.But we did registered marriage in china at that time.
BTW, I don't have evidence for her affair, execept a email sent by her to his lover.


sorry, sad guy, u have to pay -halfandh- 給 halfandh 發送悄悄話 (81 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 11:36:16

I don't care to support her -sadangryma- 給 sadangryma 發送悄悄話 (152 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 12:06:01

回複:I don't care to support her -WanShi- 給 WanShi 發送悄悄話 (149 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 12:20:16

回複:回複:I don't care to support her -sadangryma- 給 sadangryma 發送悄悄話 (10 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 13:07:26

Pity guy,mostly u have to shar -emarital- 給 emarital 發送悄悄話 (452 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 14:10:36

Legal advice on child support -old_man411- 給 old_man411 發送悄悄話 (4021 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 19:37:10

you are bitch.Do you know how -manymen- 給 manymen 發送悄悄話 (82 bytes) () 02/04/2005 postreply 12:07:37

男士必讀: 在美離婚高招 -old_man411- 給 old_man411 發送悄悄話 (2955 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 21:23:17

If he does follow this one, -jojo1971- 給 jojo1971 發送悄悄話 (13 bytes) () 02/04/2005 postreply 10:26:28

Actually even he lost his job -beforediv- 給 beforediv 發送悄悄話 (380 bytes) () 02/04/2005 postreply 17:27:18
