I don't want to scare you, but welfare fraud is very serious. The facts that you were pregnant and that you were extremely busy would not excuse you from not reporting your income. You need to proffer some better excuses.
Try to contact legal services (may also called legal aids) of State A. Those organizations may provide you some legal advice. In addition, they may help you negotiate with the welfare office of State A. If you can reach an agreement with the welfare office, i.e. your plan of paying back the total amount of welfare benefit to which you are not entitled, the welfare office may ask the DA's office to drop the case. Even if a criminal charge is filed against you, you may still make a deal with the DA: admit you did it wrong but proffer some acceptable reasons and promise to pay it back in exchange for a less serious charge.
回複:不想被公訴, stp,老貓,minisis,及大家請救我們!
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02/01/2005 postreply
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02/01/2005 postreply