
本帖於 2005-02-04 13:33:33 時間, 由普通用戶 stp 編輯

Calm down, do not say anything to the cop without a lawyer. Do not plea guilty! A & B is serious crime from immigration law perspective. I was in the same situation 4 years ago, still pain on the butt! If your wife really still loves you and wants to make up, tell her that she has the right not say anything on the court(consult a lawyer), the prosecutor can not force her to do anything. Let your wife tell the prosecutor that she does not want to testify! Then the case will be dropped! Now you should not care about the attorney fee, it is worth paying it!
Wish you all the good luck. I am also in Virginia.


he has to be very careful! -ymmijnay- 給 ymmijnay 發送悄悄話 (180 bytes) () 01/29/2005 postreply 18:08:48
