
來源: jianjianda 2005-01-28 07:37:41 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (773 bytes)
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回答: 再謝謝了!11jianjianda2005-01-28 07:11:32
I will not report my income and I don't want to pay the tax. My wife is a H-1 holder right now. I don't think she can have that kind of income in her tax return form. I guess the boss know our situation and just want to get some money from me right now. Because he said he can find somebody to pay the tax and I need to give him the money for tax. He is the worst person I has seen in the world. He doesn't care his family, his parents, and his children. He cheated on anybody. I worked as a slave for him and got average less than thousands dollars per month. at that time, i just want to work as hard as possible to be a partner of the company to get a legal status. Right now, I got nothing but problems. I am so sorry for my wife and for my family. What should I do?


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