Update 一下上此吃了罰單的出庭結果(I made a left turn in a designated lane, there was no sign says I cannot turn left from 7:00am-9:00am, there is a sign on the other side of the road says no right turn at that time frame. Police issued tickets to everybody one block later without asking)。我出庭辯護準備充分,那個警察卻沒來,所以 the case was dismissed。謝謝各位的解答,特別是檸檬椰子汁,多謝了。
其實我希望和那個警察對質,因為確實沒有違規。我後來和一個鄰居講到此事,她猜在那個時間段,都是上班的人順路右轉進去開到底會是一中學 to drop off kids. 幾乎沒有人左轉進來,我想想這是一個合理的解釋 why there is no restrictions of turning left(everybody goes to work not coming back home), but restriction of turning right(drop off kids to school).