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回答: 估計樓主在房市瘋狂的溫哥華awr2016-03-16 07:48:39




Landlord's Use of Property

There are two ways a tenancy can be ended if, in good faith, the buyer plans to occupy the unit or use the property for another purpose:

  1. The buyer submits a written request to the seller to end the tenancy before taking possession of the property (service of notice cannot be a condition of sale). Then the seller (or existing landlord) gives the tenant a Two Month Notice to End Tenancy for Landlord’s Use of Property
  2. Once the buyer takes possession of the property, they can serve a Two Month Notice to End Tenancy for Landlord’s Use of Property

Unless a landlord (seller or buyer) serves a proper notice to end tenancy, the tenancy continues under the terms of the original tenancy agreement.
