回複:我因為change lane 而拿到ticket,我怎麽辦?

來源: wal-mart 2003-11-22 06:10:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (744 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ wal-mart ] 在 2004-02-03 07:43:27 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

There is no law requiring that the police officer must catch the first violator. Even though there are 101 persons violating the law, and you are the 101th, it is no good argment that you are not aware of the rule or the police let go of the first 100 violators. The ticekt must state how much the fine is. But the charge on the ticekt is not final. You may always challenge it in the court and have the city councel (the attorney representing the city and the police) lower the fine in the settlement negotiation. Even if your case goes to trial, it does not mean you will lose. If you have clear evidence to prove that the police executed the law unfairly against you or in a discriminatory manner, surely you may bring that argument up.


謝謝wal-mart的教誨,我略明白一點了.感謝! -麻煩製造者- 給 麻煩製造者 發送悄悄話 (36 bytes) () 11/22/2003 postreply 14:32:00



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