我在一條專門左轉的線轉入我要進的街道,一個block later,被前方路口等著的警察攔下(那裏已有另
2輛車被叫停正在開罰單)。警察說在7:00am and 9:00am之間“cannot turn into this street". 我當時很詫異,認為自己可能錯過了sign。得了22101 ticket. 回到家後我不認為我看到了這個sign. 我又回到那裏,的的確確沒有這個sign。但在反方向,有不能在這個時間段右轉的sign. 但的確沒有限製左轉的sign. 請問這是一個合理的ticket嗎? ticket 上的court date 是五月,我可以要求提前 to contest it 嗎?我很confuse why the policy didn't ask me which way I came from? 我已拍了所有照片,和我的確是左轉的證據。(The policy car was 1 block away and it's was downhill, they couldn't see which direction the car made the turn, I really think they should asked me first). I live in California.
Thank you very much for your comments.