快速研究了一下加拿大的有關刑法,現行的刑法把以前的rape(強奸) 和 indecent assault(猥褻)合為一體罪行sexual assault, 此罪又分為三級,最低的一級可以是猥褻行為。摘錄如下:
In 1983, the terms rape and indecent assault were replaced with a three-tier structure of sexual assault within the Criminal Code of Canada.
Levels of Sexual Assault
(Summary of Criminal Codeof Canada classifications)
Level 1: Any form of sexual activity forced on another person(i.e., sexual activity without consent), or non-consensual bodily contact for a sexual purpose (e.g., kissing, touching, oral sex, vaginal or anal intercourse). Level 1 sexual assault involves minor physical injury or no injury to the victim. Conviction for a level 1 sexual assault is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Level 2: A sexual assault in which the perpetrator uses or threatensto use a weapon, threatens the victim’s friends or family members, causes bodily harm to the victim, or commits the assault with another person (multiple assailants).Conviction for a level 2 sexual assault is punishable by up to 14 years in prison.
Level 3:(Aggravated sexual assault) A sexual assault that wounds, maims, or disfigures the victim, or endangers the victim’s life. Conviction for a level 3 sexual assault is punishable by up to life in prison.