

我每天下班回家都走那條路, 那是一條比較繁忙的商業街 ,一般都是跟著大家走, 那一天我下班有點晚身體又有些不舒服, 隻想早點回家, 沒看自己的速度 ,隻是跟著前麵的車走。佷難一直保持54-56.

警察跟的1.5 miles, 0.8 miles is at 50 MPH zone, 0.7 miles is at 35 MPH.  So I want to request video to see if I am driving all the way 54-56 in 35 MPH zone.

If I am driver lower than 54-56 miles during 35 MPH, he at least should give the citation with correct speed. 
