
來源: scoopydoo 2004-12-30 06:28:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (807 bytes)
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回答: 回複:需要最好的律師Scoopydoo2004-12-29 13:43:05
According to your statement, you may have a big case against the company. Keep on collecting evidence, such as talk to the HR about the reasons of your termination; make good notes of each meeting with the company's personnel, especially on contraditory statements made by different staff of the company. You can get a list of lawyers dealing with employment law from www.findlaw.com. Talk to those attorneys, asking about their experience on litigation, expecially on wrongful discharge cases.

You also can do some homework. I am not sure whether CA is a statutory state or a common law state in terms of wrongful discharge. You can go to the public law library and check whether there is a whistle-blowing act (it may be under a different name). You can get help from librarians.

Good luck


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