Avoid chinese lawyer

來源: remember!! 2004-12-29 13:39:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1025 bytes)
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回答: No chinese lawyerremember!2004-12-29 13:05:22
My suggestion to avoid chinese lawyer is based on my experience and some of the similar stories I heard from my friends, not based on the color of their skin! I agree that the professionalism and quality of service are the ultimate measuring stick here. Unfortunately, a lot of chinese lawyers fail here. You are right that a lot of american lawyers are crooked too. That is why I have given out the interview tips to the original help-seeker. I am a chinese. You can bet that I am against any kind of discrimination on color or origin. I have had quite a few attorneys in the past. The general feeling is that american attorneys are more professional. It is maybe due to the environment in which they grow up. They know they might get sued if they don't operform. But chinese lawyers don't look at you as a customer, but as a exploitable prey. They are generally not honest and deliver substandard service. In addition, a lot of chinese lawyers don't even speak english well. How are they going to argue the case for you?


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