回複:how to select a attorney

來源: scoopydoo 2004-12-29 13:37:20 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1251 bytes)
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回答: 需要最好的律師謝啦2004-12-28 22:56:19
Thank you very much for sharing the information.It is very important to do some homework before retaining an attorney.

Usually you have no chance to talk to a top attorney directly during the preliminary interview. You only can talk to his associate/assistant. Whether a top attorney will take your case also depends on how big and how meritorious your case can be. Lawyers working for big law firms don't take small cases and they charge their client an arm and a leg.

As the wrongful discharge case mentioned in the first message, it can be a really big case or it can be without merit at all. Under the employment-at-will doctrine, both parties in employment can discharge the other one even without reasons. Violation of public policy is usually a ground of wrongful dischage case. If you are a whistle-blower and you are terminated in retaliation for your whistleblowing act, you have a case. There maybe other grounds of public policy violations in your state. If the revenge doesn't fall into these categories,it is hard to make a wrongful discharge claim.

By the way, there are many bad Chinese lawyers; however, there are also many good ones. Please don't accuse the whole tree just because you bit one rotten apple.


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