You can live there, if he come

來源: kiki8691 2003-11-13 16:08:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (681 bytes)
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call police, police will tell your landlord that if he want you move out, he should give you one month warning,
after one month, if you still can not move out, he has to sue you, so it need at least half year to go to court, if the judge ask you to move out, then move out, during this time, you do not have to pay rent.

the law in san francisco bay area protect tenant a lot.

My previous landlord asked me to move out immediately, I could not, then he called police, I told police that I want to move out, but I have to find a new place, I can not move out right now. then the police talked to my landlord, the landlord never be rude to me again until I moved out



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