Small claims courts

這是一個早年的貼,我以前翻看前麵內容的時候copy/paste下來的,因為完全是實際經驗,當時覺得有用。 不過我現在知道,各個州的法律都可能不同,更不要說程序,你大概了解一下吧,心裏有個底。

“I live in Queens, NewYork.

In the early morning, you go to court, look for your name on the board. probably more than one hundred people there, including lawyers.
then an officer call your name, you both side go into a small room. A court lawyer talks to you both, would you like to negotiate the case to avoid to go to court? if you both side settle down an agreement, that is all.
if you don't agree to settle an agreement, than wait outside and another officer call your both side to go into a real court, the judge will ask you whether you both sides settle an agreement. if not, the judge will see situation to set another date to judge this case or just settle down this case imediately.

the only thing you do is to keep calm down, low your voice, not special expressions, such as cry, screem.
before appear to the court, write a short statement address facts.(it is very interesting, judge really like those short statements instead of listening to you, I am quite impressed)
also, there will be type-secretary to record all you speachs, that is another reason you had better writting a short statement.
judge will ask couple questions, at that time, don't be afraid to say, please repeat your question if you don't understand his question.

Good luck
