回複:回複:u r selfish..

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回答: u r selfish..sorry...2004-12-15 15:49:53

men, if i showed something in my post, it should be called greedy, or a man who love money a lot. haha!

attacking other body by blaming his selfish does not prove you aren't selfish, men. haven't realized u r selfish, too? u definitely younger than me. oh, maybe u aren't human. or, maybe u guys has lived here too long, forgot all chinese, so wrongly interpret greedy as selfish, en, understandable.

u should realiz u guys goes too far, pls don't intentionally attack someboday specifically. here is a community.

i apologize for any unclearness in the description of my original post, there i may have made too much assumption--i assumed there is no free lunch in usa. any lawyer or experienced person shall be able to understand my post automatically. for lawyer, there is a special meaning for "free". i never assume get free service in usa, especially law service--they are lawyer, u want to rob money from them? i won't, hehe.


回複:回複:回複:u r selfish.. -HenryLi- 給 HenryLi 發送悄悄話 (327 bytes) () 12/16/2004 postreply 14:57:08
