
來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2015-04-11 21:00:47 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1835 bytes)
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回答: 111liliaz2015-04-11 18:08:33

1.  articles.courant.com/2007-03-01/news/0703010724_1_legal-immigrants-immigration-advocates-sponsors

"Connecticut is the only state in the nation pursuing sponsors for payment of immigrants' benefits covered under Medicaid and the State-Administered General Assistance program." 文章是2007的.

2.  www.wceca.org/publications/Immigrant%20Myths%20Revised.pdf

"CONCERN #6: My sponsor may have to pay back any benefits I receive. New York State will not sue sponsors for food stamp benefits that sponsored immigrants receive. The State has also instructed the local social services districts not to sue sponsors for Medicaid provided to a sponsored immigrant until regulations have been issued. No regulations have been issued to date and are not likely to be issued any time soon. Although welfare districts are allowed to pursue sponsors for repayment of cash assistance provided to an immigrant, no district has done so."

3. 我的看法是很多移民都在用社會福利,政府可以向很多擔保人要求賠償,可是實際上極大多數聯邦和州政府並不在行政上索償,但是賠償永遠是一個威脅。這個道理和超速行車類似,大家都超速,警察也就能抓百分之一,被抓的可能性對開車起到一個穩定作用。所以你如果平時開車比限速快,你盡可以讓你父母去申請福利;如果你這個人平時非常謹慎,那麽要看你自己的承受能力了。


11 -liliaz- 給 liliaz 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/11/2015 postreply 21:19:36

你回答的不完全 -路是走出來的- 給 路是走出來的 發送悄悄話 路是走出來的 的博客首頁 (665 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 10:14:55

失業後領取的是保險,不是救濟,當然不算社會福利,你別混為一談。 -白雲青山- 給 白雲青山 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 15:22:39

是。所以常人通常所說福利有時候實質上不是福利。 另外有的救濟綠卡是可以享用的,舉個例子災難救濟。 -路是走出來的- 給 路是走出來的 發送悄悄話 路是走出來的 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 16:01:42

索償什麽,政府才不會這麽笨的為這麽一點錢去官逼民反,美國打仗 -arcsigh- 給 arcsigh 發送悄悄話 (288 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 13:47:55

你這個是議證,不是議法 -路是走出來的- 給 路是走出來的 發送悄悄話 路是走出來的 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 15:01:48

你的思維方式十分奇怪。 -白雲青山- 給 白雲青山 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2015 postreply 15:24:45



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