what i have abused him

回答: can i sign this paper?Princessgr2004-12-10 10:22:26

we marry for 4 yrs, he only worked 1 yr, so there was lots of fuss between us, he screemed to me, and i did. such as" u lazy mother f*cker", "loser", and the like.

we have a shared business, he wastes all the money, so i quit supporting him. when i earn some bucks in my own business, i save for myself, which makes hime very furious as well.

he is very good at law, he absolutely needs me to notorize.

should it is not for the healthy insurance, i have left him long time before. right now he sold my car during i was in china, and got this protection order which set me to be unable to talk to him until court date. in fact i have evidence of all bruise over my body as well, and the bruise kicked by him causing me to go to emergicy room. but now i just do not have place to live, no transportation, and not even my tel.book. i am working hard in my business so i just want to go ahead to make peace and rest.

tks a lot.
