Amend Charges查字典意思是“修改起訴”,具體是什麽意思呢,是指把被起訴的記錄也改了,最終連曾經被起訴(charge)

回答: 也補充路是走出來的2015-02-11 14:10:22

UA的網頁上 說:

Completing the diversion program (usually consisting of community service and education), results in the criminal charges being dismissed.
問題一:Tucson有county court和city court,前者county court的慣例是認罪才可以參加diversion,這是否意味著即使參加了diversion,還是有個criminal record?

問題二:city court則可以請求Preplea diversion,提供完成diversion的證明後可以dismiss the charge。
我的屬於city court,如果期望獲得Preplea diversion的處罰,下列A或B哪個情況是正確的:
A.隻能在第一次提訊(arraignment)之前就向DA請求,如在arraignment時說了“not guilty”,案子將進入第二階段,就不可以再提Preplea diversion的要求了?
B.在第一次提訊之前或之後都可以請求參加Preplea diversion?(假如B是正確答案,那在arraignment之前或之後請求Preplea diversion,能否獲得批準的概率是有區別嗎?)

What does it mean if the charge is dismissed?
It means the City or County has decided not to proceed with its case against you. It means that if you are asked on any application whether you have ever been convicted of a crime, you can answer "no." However, the fact that you were charged with a crime will remain in your records, and there may be occasions when you will have to explain that. For example, if you apply for a teaching certificate, you will have to submit to a criminal background check. That will reveal the misdemeanor charge and you may be asked to explain the circumstances. However, it will not prevent you from obtaining a teaching certificate.
問題三:想求證上文的意思是不是說參加了diversion ,控罪將被解除,你的記錄裏沒有犯罪記錄(criminal record),但曾經被起訴(charge)的事實還是一直存在係統的記錄裏麵

問題四:Amend Charges查字典意思是“修改起訴”,不確定具體代表什麽,是不是指把被起訴的記錄也改了,最終連曾經被起訴(charge)的記錄也沒有?
