It's not so simple

來源: douh 2003-11-06 14:24:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (613 bytes)
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回答: 回複:個人支票的有效性問題WouldBeOK2003-11-05 16:18:00
First, not everyone will go to the court. So people like your landlord would like to bet, they got nothing to lose.
second, they may not lose in court. There is always a chance, especially your English is not good as theirs.
Third, winning the case is one thing, collecting the money afterwards is another.
Things may turn ugly.
So besides a lawsuit, you can complain to the government agency such as rental board if they have, and contact local DA to see if there is a chance to put felony charges. And if you win in court, try to put a lien hold on his property to ensure you get back the money.



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