Which STATE!!

來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2015-01-30 19:54:57 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1690 bytes)
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See limitation for written contract in your state.

2. contract是我和我老公兩人的名字,當時付錢的是我老公,用的他支票簿。我可以以我的名義起訴嗎?或者我和老公一起起訴,到時我自己出庭?因為老公工作比較忙,可能沒辦法為出庭專門請假。
Yes, you can sue, appear in court. Your husband doesn't have to go.

3. venue是owner私人的。我應該告owner還是venue?
Sue whoever signed the contract.  It could be a person or a company.  Upload the signature page of your contract and I can tell you. 

4. 我沒有直接的證據證明我當時打掃了,venue也沒損壞。但是當時有一個雇員確實是看著我們清理並且確認了的。現在聯係不上她。這個要如何準備證據?應該我舉證打掃了,還是他舉證沒打掃?
You are suing, so you have the burden of proof. If you don't have any evidence, you won't win.

5. 為了防止法院判我贏了他也不給錢的情況出現,我應該在法庭上做什麽要求?
One step at a time, win a judgment first, then worry about executing the judgment. You can't ask the court to do ANYTHING before the court award you a win.

After your victory, you become their creditor (they owe you debt), and you can collect debts based on your state law. 



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