I do not quite understand what did you mean by "低收入仍有資格由律師轉介服務給有願意的律師接手." One is criminal, the other is civil. In a criminal case, she has the constitutional right to a court appointed lawyer if she cannot afford one. But in a civil case, if she does not want to pay upfront, she has to convince a lawyer that her case is strong enough so he can take it on a contingency basis.
and I do not quite understand you mean by "低收入仍有資格由律師轉介服務給有願意的律師
• 哦,我知道一些地方有 -9876- ♂ (114 bytes) () 01/25/2015 postreply 21:44:42
• Yes. There are many organizations like that. But this case is i -greencardwaiting- ♀ (125 bytes) () 01/25/2015 postreply 21:57:31
• 覺得你法律知識夠用,又熱心幫她。你幹脆去免費給她法律援助,幫她打官司唄。 -別樣菲林- ♀ (0 bytes) () 01/25/2015 postreply 22:46:55
• 哈哈,你的建議出發點真好,但不夠。我個人能力綿薄,倒是看到上麵回帖裏家壇的wolfkiller8引用魯迅的話 -9876- ♂ (475 bytes) () 01/26/2015 postreply 07:37:35
• 憑啥?給她捐錢打官司?你腦子被門擠了,我沒有!我資助貧困山區學齡兒童,不多,但是年年給。你去幫她清除去中高檔店逛逛逛出的麻煩吧。 -別樣菲林- ♀ (339 bytes) () 01/26/2015 postreply 12:47:05