絕對餿主意。 她老公都知道了的,轉個頭啊。

本帖於 2015-01-16 15:19:56 時間, 由普通用戶 水中撈月 編輯
回答: 財產可以轉移的BananaeEggs2015-01-16 15:00:51

Penalties for Hiding Assets

If you are caught hiding assets during your divorce, you can get in quite a bit of trouble. A judge could impose sanctions against you, which are monetary penalties that you would be required to pay. A judge could also force you to give up your entire share of a remaining asset to your spouse to make up for the assets you hid. A judge may also require you to pay more support to your spouse until you essentially pay back what you took. For example, if you drained a $1,000 bank account, then you would probably owe your spouse $500. A judge could require you to pay alimony at whatever rate he demands, and could then increase those payments by $100 per month for five months until you pay back the $500 you owe your spouse. As a last resort, in some states, you can even be arrested for very serious incidences of hiding assets. This is more likely if you continue to hide assets even after your spouse has brought it to the court's attention.

