我老公是H1簽證 我是F1簽證,我們結婚四年 有一個美國出生的孩子。前幾天老公對我實施了家庭暴力 毆打,恐嚇,其實我沒有想報警 結果鄰居打了電話 。警察來的時候他剛好衝過來打我,所以我解釋根本就沒有用 直接給拷走了。不過我還是昨天把他從Jail裏麵給保釋了出來 過一個月還要再次上庭看case會如何判。我想問 我這種情況是否可以申請家庭暴力綠卡?非常感激
-Technically there is a possibility for you to apply for the U visa, and then apply for green card through U visa (need to wait for visa number available). But to be qualified for U visa, your spouse's domestic violence has to be very serious and he thus commit the domestic violence crime (he may be sentenced in prison) and you has suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of the victim of his crime.
If you want to accuse him and put him in jail even in prison to get your green card, you marriage probably will be destroyed. Do you really want that? Of course, whether he commits a domestic violence crime is determined by court. If his violence is not serious enough to make him as a criminal, then you are not be qualified for U visa.
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11/02/2014 postreply
Right. You can not 小打小鬧 to cheat the U visa and green card.
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11/02/2014 postreply
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11/03/2014 postreply