State minimum requires liability insurance, which follows the dr

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回答: Every car has its own insurance!!!32719632014-10-24 05:42:49

There are two ways a driver is covered by liability insurance: (1) he is covered under his own policy on his car (2) he is covered by his friend's policy under permissive use of his friendsly car.

LZ's case, his friend's policy expired, that is fine. LZ is still covered by his own policy. However, LZ did not carry his own insurance paper with him, that is why the police gave him the ticket. Because if LZ got into an accident at that time, he cannot produce ANY valid insurance card to another driver.


那這問題嚴重嗎,我要怎麽做啊,車主有責任嗎 -依然愛車- 給 依然愛車 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/24/2014 postreply 06:47:52

like Jingx02 said, go to court and show your insurance -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (54 bytes) () 10/24/2014 postreply 06:50:25

看來你在錯誤的地點開了一輛錯誤的車 -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (1086 bytes) () 10/24/2014 postreply 07:37:15
