Prove Your Conduct Was Necessary to Avoid Harm

本帖於 2014-10-03 20:33:57 時間, 由普通用戶 水中撈月 編輯
回答: 你沒有證據說你沒有200英尺啊lexm52014-10-03 20:25:44
Prove Your Conduct Was Necessary to Avoid Harm

Emergencies not of your own making are often another legal "necessity" defense, recognized in all 50 states. To take an extreme example, you should be able to beat a charge of speeding if you can prove you sped up to avoid an out-of-control truck. The key here is to convincingly argue that you were forced to violate the exact wording of a traffic law in order to avoid a serious and immediate danger to yourself or others.


