DEA 找你幹什麽?

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1.我可以提供房客信用報告和我們的lease給agent嗎?裏麵有social security number和其他信息。



Nothing will happen to you, as long as you didn't know about his criminal activity.

However, if you knew his criminal activity, esp. knew his use of your house for the criminal activity, your profit from rental might be considered proceeds from criminal activity.  Thus, your rental house might be subject to civil forfeiture.   DEA can foreclose on your property linked to drug activity. 

3.如果房客不出現,我該怎麽辦。需要報告警察麽? 然後把房子重新放入市場出租?

This is a case of abandonment of lease. Ask your agent how to officially deal with abandonment of lease, including notice and wait period, pursuant to your State law.  The tenants still have right to live in your rental up to the period when the rent was fully paid for.



非常感謝你花時間回答我的問題。 -xiaofengjiayuan- 給 xiaofengjiayuan 發送悄悄話 xiaofengjiayuan 的博客首頁 (45 bytes) () 09/08/2014 postreply 17:56:56

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