-I think it works as long as the child's mother agrees. Are you a US citizen or green card holder? There is different adoption procedure for a US citizen and a green card holder to adopt a child from China. So, you had better consult an immigration lawyer. The following is the related information from this website:
第二章 收養關係的成立
第四條 下列不滿十四周歲的未成年人可以被收養:
第五條 下列公民、組織可以作送養人:
第六條 收養人應當同時具備下列條件:
第七條 收養三代以內同輩旁係血親的子女,可以不受本法第四條第三項、第五條第三項、第九條和被收養人不滿十四周歲的限製。