These are online tools provided by the school district of various counties around US
Montgomery County, MD
Orange County, FL
Fairfax County, VA
Does your local public school district have this tool? You have THREE kids ALREADY going to public schools, so you should be familiar with how to find which school to go to. So why wouldn't you spend 5 min to look up this information? This is the problem for judge to believe your argument. Imagine the lawyer for sellers say these thing in court, what's your response? Nothing, you lose!
I don't think you can sue and rescind the contract. You could probably sue them and with luck, maybe settle for a money damage before going to trial. Like I said, talk to a lawyer if this is important to you.
A few examples
just being curious,
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08/20/2014 postreply
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08/20/2014 postreply
thanks for replying.
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08/20/2014 postreply