回複:H1B convert to Green Card

回答: 回複:H1B convert to Green Cardwal-mart2004-11-07 13:13:16

Your work authorization application is not necessary. You H1 has authorized you to work and it will not expire during the pendency of your green card application. You qualify for c(9), pending final adjudication of I-485. But it is within the officer's discretion whether to grant 765 or deny it because it is not necessary. You might need to sumbit I-131 application for re-entry documment to get advance parole. As I stated in another post, it depends on where you filed your application. In NYC, it currently takes three months to get I-485 approved.


H1B convert to Green Card -國祥- 給 國祥 發送悄悄話 (109 bytes) () 11/07/2004 postreply 17:02:17

even if you are broke -wal-mart- 給 wal-mart 發送悄悄話 (66 bytes) () 11/07/2004 postreply 18:46:25
