我是senior manager, 在轉行找工作,告術了所有認識的,包括以前cross-functional team下的一個process analyst (現做temp 中介). 後來發覺TA手頭隻有entry-level, short-term contacts, 而且亂打電話. 我跟TA說了,沒用, linkedin上blocked了,也沒用, 其它印巴temp agencies開始亂來電話. 本來我們這行圈子小, 不想撕破臉, 現變成harrassing and insulting.
A. 很想這麽給TA寫"fuck off. I don't have time for a process analyst and her used car salesmen in broken english"
B. 給TA 寫個cease and desist with harrassing " xx firm, including its agents and affiliates, must immediately stop contacting me. I will persue any legal remedies available should the harrassment continues."