I found the answer on website

回答: HIB稅收問題, 請幫助!三們2004-10-30 09:20:09

of IRS, it states very cleayly. I could only be eligiable for this calender year for exempting tax, because this year I am considered as a non-resident status (by counting the days physically in USA in past three years, less than 180days), but next year will not.


Sam, you may qualify for three -years- 給 years 發送悄悄話 (333 bytes) () 10/30/2004 postreply 19:57:26

Yes, my support do come from -sam- 給 sam 發送悄悄話 (68 bytes) () 10/30/2004 postreply 20:22:36

免稅不受報稅身份限製, 即使你明年成為RA, 如果 -stp- 給 stp 發送悄悄話 (122 bytes) () 10/31/2004 postreply 20:12:24
