Now you want to tell them how to do their work?

First, nobody, lawyers or accountants, know everything in the tax code or law by heart.  I don't see the point of arguing whether it is reasonable for them to search an issue for 4 hours, you can't tell them how to do their job.  If you "want to use them originally", you were going beyond the initial $75 / hr consultation period like you said.  Whether you owe the full 750 is questionable, but you owe them more than $75. 

I don't deny there is a dispute here.  You have your reasons and I can see the logic of the other side too.  Work out a middle number and move on.  You can refuse to pay, and you might have a point to win in court, but this is a business, and you have relationships and reputations to think about, and you don't want to waste time and money.  

Learn to put on your personal hat and business hat when dealing with issues.  Keep them separate. 
