First, you probably can prove
(1) Email evidence from the other side is a portion of a thread of Google emails.
(2) Google emails are stored in threads instead of individual snippets.
(3) It follows logically that the other side possesses the whole thread of emails of which the partial email in (1) belongs.
Therefore, you can ask for the other side to provide the the whole thread, if they can't, you can ask the judge to sanction them or block their partial email evidence to be admitted.
You probably won't be succesul to ask for a completely different thread of emails, which the other side never use as evidence.
Second, a different issue is whether the emails are admissible at all under hearsay rules. This is getting very technical and you need a lawyer for that. If you are being sued on "out-of-court statement" (e.g. emails), your case could use some help from a lawyer.
Rules of Evidence is what lawyer is good at. A practicing lawyer get paid to find evidence, block evidence, and evidence usually wins your case, not anyone's smarty argument.
This is what discovery is for
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03/21/2014 postreply