that's enough. everything else can work out. You act like he is not good enough for you and you don't love him. You and your parents still want to be together. He wants to protects his world from being invaded by your parents which he can feel you love more than him. If he can care less, you won't have any problem. His personality made him hard to find a wife and build a family of his own that he wanted badly, and that's also why he cares about you so much. You may find somebody with a different personality but he won't care about you much either.
Make it short, they all want you, it's your job to know how to keep the balance and make everybody happy. Just don't throw your life away so easily for the sake of your kids!
You need to love him back and accept the way he is. He loves you
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• 女方隻知道一味地索取,沒覺得她愛老公。 -Beenthereyes- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/23/2013 postreply 15:24:44