no, dont get a job

Being a house wife, you are the primary care giver to the kids. Custody is not determined on who get a job or not, it is on who is the primary giver.

Plus, if your marriage is long enough, you can get alimony from youth hu*****and.

It is possible that you get kids and house, and continue to stay in the house with kids.

Even you want  to work in the future, do so after divoice, but this might enable your hu*****and reduce the alimony.


一個垃圾! -eastdragon- 給 eastdragon 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/22/2013 postreply 21:32:22

我隻是告訴lz如何利益最大化. 你太沒教養 -soldanella- 給 soldanella 發送悄悄話 soldanella 的博客首頁 (25 bytes) () 12/23/2013 postreply 02:23:00

是啊。想這招, 還能有教養? -eastdragon- 給 eastdragon 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/23/2013 postreply 05:54:54

自以為是!Stupid.心不好。到時可要法庭減少payment.說你垃圾還不承認。 -eastdragon- 給 eastdragon 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/23/2013 postreply 09:25:21
