
來源: Mythought 2004-10-25 11:16:57 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1788 bytes)
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None family is perfec. If you still love your hu*****and,find a good time and talk to him, it's best to save your marriage that will be very good for your kid to grow up. He may have higher pressure at work and support family...(everyone has kinds of difficuties living in North America), talk him more and trying to understand him, figure out why you two fighting. Because you are young, trying to make some changes on yourself, be a good housewife since you are not working.

But if you do not love him any more, divorce is OK, it might be good for both of you. DO NOT LOOK FOR LAWYER, they all bad, they just want to make money and they hope everyone divorce.

Talk to your hu*****and and friends, to see what's the best for your kid. If you can not support him and busy with the school, it's fine to let your hu*****and to take care of him if he loves his son, he has income to support. You can visit your son once a week or month, it's not good idea to let your mother to take care, you will give her a trouble, and I believe your hu*****and love your son more than your mother.

Because you loved him before, you two can still be friend after divorce. Do not think about something like: put him in jail to ruin his life. Think about this way, what can you get by doing something bad for him, only hurt is to your son.

For money, he should give to you if you have kid. Otherwise, it's up to him, you just study hard and find a good job, start a new life and look for a good hu*****and(this time you know who you are looking for). Because you are young, you can have a good future. I believe your son hope both of you are happy, and he wants both of you are still friends even divorce. Finally, think 3 more times before making every decision. Hope this helps.



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