我的家庭在美國屬於偏低收入,唯一的 財產是一套 20多萬的房子,還有8萬未付清。我買的車保險的 Bodily Injury Liability是$50000/$100000。我聽說在發生車禍的時候,如果是我造成的後果,而要 賠的錢大與保險可付的數目的話,我必須賣掉我的房產去抵。Not really
但是如果是比 較小的自己住的房子可以幸免,據 說是法律保護自己住的不大的房子和 舊車不用來抵債。當然如真是這樣的話,用什麽來抵債是另一回事了。
我隻想 搞清到底有沒有這樣的法律?是聯邦的還是各州自定 ?
Most This kinds of law are all state law, so different state may different. But most state have home stead law, that means you do not have to sell your home to pay other debts. But a lien can be add to your house(home). when you sell your home or when you die. They can still sell your house to pay the debt (that time the house is not your home any more. And pay interest for the debt (most court add 10% per year.) The best way is you have no equity,(you borrower as much money againest the house) or buy enough insurance to protect it.
usually if you have only one not expensive car, you do not have to sell it to pay debt.
這種問題是 不好問保險代理或美國人,因為我不相信他們會告訴我這底牌。因為我相信對政府來講,窮人把房子賣了抵債,沒房住了,也倒過來加重政府的負擔。
Mot insurance agents and who have the knowledge will tell you truth.