Car accident in parking lot

來源: jane123 2003-10-21 11:17:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (907 bytes)
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We have a car accident in parking lot. We backed out first, and the guy backed out without looking backward and his car hit our car rear left door. The guy admitted it's his fault at that time and want to settle down without notifying insurance, because the insurance is under his mom's name not his. His car has no damage, but our car need to replace left rare door which cost $1450 in total. After one week, he changed idea and want us to notify insurance. So we call his agent twice. Today his agent told me we should share 50% cost, since everyone has 50% fault in parking lot no matter who backed out first.

1) What should we do? Should we notify our insurance? We haven't do that yet, since we thought we don't have any fault.

2) Is that true, no matter what, every one should share the cost by half.

ps: his insurance is allstates.

Thank you for your help!


回複:Car accident in parking lot -valleyer- 給 valleyer 發送悄悄話 (1025 bytes) () 10/22/2003 postreply 14:42:00

回複:Car accident in parking lot -www3w- 給 www3w 發送悄悄話 (51 bytes) () 10/24/2003 postreply 08:03:00



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